One of my favorite things to do, especially now while we’re practicing social distancing, is to consult with my clients about their hair. One of the questions I hear the most during consultations is “what can I do to make my hair healthier and grow longer?” Every time I’m asked this question, I tell clients they should start by taking care of their scalp first. The most important component to a healthy head of hair is a healthy scalp. The scalp is like the soil from which your hair will grow. An unhealthy scalp is like bad soil and will cause your hair to become fragile and discolored.
The next question usually is “what’s the best way to maintain a healthy scalp?” I usually answer this question by starting with the more well known components; such as “take good care of your scalp on wash day by using quality products like Tingle Me T-Tree Shampoo,” or “have a good self care routine to prevent damage to your scalp.” But there’s a third component that my clients seldom know. Following a healthy diet is a key component to maintaining a healthy scalp.
So what exactly does a healthy diet for your scalp look like? Here are a few things to keep in mind:
1. Make sure you’re eating enough protein. Your hair follicles are made up of mostly protein. Therefore, eating adequate protein is key. A lack of protein can lead to hair loss so you should make sure you get your protein daily. Some examples of protein-rich foods include: lean meats, Greek yogurt, spinach and other leafy green vegetables, beans, and eggs or egg whites.
2. Reduce your sugar intake. Sugar causes inflammation all throughout your body and inflammation is one of the top causes of hair loss. But not all sugars are bad. Foods with naturally occurring sugars, are good not only for your hair, but for your whole body. Different fruits, like grapes, apples, oranges, and berries, can actually help your hair grow thicker and longer. It’s artificial sugars you want to avoid. That’s right. Put that soda down. LOL

Your diet is a major component to maintaining a healthy scalp. But that’s only one subject we cover during our consultations. We have a video on YouTube when I talk more in depth about what we cover during our consultations: How To Do A Consultation.
What do you think? Do you agree that diet is important? What are some foods you eat to maintain a healthy scalp? Let us know in the comments.